I am waiting at the departure gate for an international flight. The flight that leaves before mine started boarding.
A gentleman walks up to the gate agent to board the flight, and he's told his first-class seat was given to another passenger who upgraded. The man was livid and started speaking harshly to the gate agent. The agent was very professional and insisted that she did nothing wrong.
He explained how during the trip, he lost his seat to someone and ended up in coach. He went on to say this time he ensured he was in first-class and how could she do that to him. The agent explained that maybe whoever made the initial reservation made an error and it's late she couldn't give the seat back. He started throwing his weight around, asking if she knows what would happen to her and that she needs to give him her last name. The agent obliged very calmly. She stepped away briefly to check another passenger in while this guy continued to speak over her.
He threatened to call someone and have this fixed if she won't do anything about it.
He called and during the conversation and blaming, he found out the agent was correct and his reservation was screwed up, hence her ability to give back that first-class seat.
He said on the phone, "you made the error, and I have to apologize to the gate agent?"
After finding out, he's made an error and needed to apologize he just stayed on the phone, continued talking and walked away upset about how frustrating it is to travel in coach after he's made every effort to get into first class.
I worked for the airline until 2002. As an employee, you traveled on standby and seats are assigned based on seniority and availability of seats in the various cabins on the flight. I don't think that part has changed. As an employee, you paid nothing or only the taxes on the ticket or charged to the department you were traveling on behalf.
It's ironic that this person, regardless of who he thought he was, forgot that the paying public makes it possible for him to travel in style and the agent, whether a low-level employee or not, is a colleague who is also doing her part to get the flights out on time and the paying public happy to continue flying with this brand.
I was so embarrassed by this guy's behavior I wish he gets reprimanded for his behavior and offers a written apology to the gate agent and never allowed to fly any class but coach unless he chooses to pay himself.
There were many times I only needed a seat and didn't care where I sat. All I needed was to get home. It's unfortunate some people forget why they have these perks of the job. It's not a right but a privilege to be able to get a seat on any flight regardless of the one assigned.
We shouldn't also forget how the airline affords to hire such people. The paid passenger in coach, business and first-class made it possible.
I offered to be a witness to the gate agent if she was reprimanded by a superior for doing her job. I told her she could take my name and number, and I would be her witness. She thanked me and said, "I appreciate it, but he will get over it. It's a short flight".
This man was traveling from Minneapolis to Chicago, and he couldn't live with himself to fly coach. For free!